Christian supervisor found out employees had Nordic tattoos and called them ‘evil Satan worshipers’
freedom of religion It is an integral part of a healthy and functioning civilization. It is also a basic human right in most parts of the world. But when it comes to all sensitive topics, some people just can’t see the shades of gray.
The same people tend to believe that anyone who doesn’t follow a particular religious denomination is a Satanist (but if you want to know about the philanthropic work of the Satanic Temple, read on. bored panda paper where later). Sadly, the United States has its fair share of religious fanatics.the first settlers escape religious persecution in the old world (but Some think US religious tolerance is a myth).
Redditor u/ITAKEYASQUAD I shared how my boss blamed them After discovering their tattoos, they are described as “evil Satan worshippers.” What is the problem ink? A set of runes related to the OP’s Norse pagan beliefs. There are some important issues here. And we have to untangle them all. Dear Pandas, scroll down to read the full story.
bored panda Archangel 1608 Tattoo Studio In Glasgow to hear his thoughts on people being discriminated against because of their tattoos.He also said it’s admirable to be proud of your beliefs and choose to get a tattoo associated with it. Scroll down for the full interview. Scottish tattoo artist David.
One person who works in a small town in Missouri shared how her boss went completely ballistic after getting a rune tattoo
Image credit: dcky20 (not actual photo)
Their superiors harassed them, calling them “evil” and saying they were destined for hell.In the author’s own words, this is what happened
Image credit: RODNAE Productions (not actual photo)
I reached out to David, the owner of. Archangel 1608 Tattoo Studio in Glasgow, Scotland, to hear his views on discrimination against inked people.
“We hear less and less about these situations, which is good. It’s a shame they happen at all,” he told us. He pointed out that it is difficult to tell whether people who criticize people with tattoos are coming from a place of ignorance or intolerance. Both to do.
“You can try to educate them about their misconceptions and hatreds, but it’s generally rooted in the belief that they have a hard time accepting facts and information that go against their prejudiced misconceptions,” the tattoo artist said. “If you have someone at your workplace, it’s probably hard to deal with because it’s hard to avoid them and their bile.”
We also wanted to know how prevalent religious tattoos are. artist david experience.
“Religious tattoos are very popular, especially with Pagan/Nordic, Christian and Buddhist. “I think it’s people who are proud to show what they believe in and literally wear it on their skin.”
there is anti-discrimination law It corresponds exactly to the kind of situations redditor u/ITAKEYASQUAD have to deal with. As the OP mentions in some comments, they are currently recording interactions with supervisors. will be
Now for the tangled mess of issues the story uncovered. First of all, there are attitudes that are more sacred than you, rooted in the Manichean (good and evil) perspective. Some people tend to see the world very black and white, with little room for nuance. As previously covered by Bored Panda.
Second, we have to look at the betrayal of trust that happened in town. Missouri Tattoo His artist is friends with the poster’s supervisor. They booed about the Norse pagan ink. And that led to the whole brimstone-hellfire conflict. You would think a tattoo artist would be more reserved and wouldn’t gossip about their clients. Especially for non-Christian tattoos in a very religious small town in Missouri.
Finally, there are overall workplace dynamics to consider here. Clearly, supervisors are very judgmental and moral individuals. I believe managers in 2022 will focus less on looks and beliefs than on a person’s skills, personality and achievements.Ultimately, every employee decides for himself where to draw the line When you have that kind of hostility.
If talking to your manager doesn’t help and HR doesn’t take any action (if your company has an HR representative), it’s best to look for another job or seek legal recourse. is. Expression.
Of course, easier said than done. It’s very difficult to stand out in a small community. If you get into an argument with an influential person in town, it can be very difficult to find more work. And the best way to combat it is to document evidence of when the harassment occurred.
What do you think about the whole situation? Have you ever been discriminated against because of your religion, ink, or looks? Let us know in the comments what happened and what you did next.
The employee revealed details about their work and religion in comments on the post.
credit: Italy Asukad