“Am I the asshole for telling my wife it’s inappropriate to leave used napkins at my brother’s house?”
By now you would think sanitary pads, tampons and periods should be a normal thing to talk about in today’s society. But it’s 2022 now, and sadly, the menstrual stigma still lingers.
Most of the time, menstrual taboos manifest themselves in sophisticated and subtle ways that seem harmless and are very difficult to understand. It can be accompanied by genuine disgust, shame, and fear.
A man has faced backlash after accusing his wife of being “extremely inappropriate” for leaving used napkins in his brother’s bathroom. where it should be.
All Redditors share In a post on the AITA subreddit, a 31-year-old single brother detailed how the woman was disrespected after explaining what she had done. ‘ said the user. But there were plenty of them on the internet. Read on to find out how things have changed. Readers of the verdict should be quick to judge and be sure to participate in the discussion in the comments.
A man recently faced backlash online after saying it was “extremely inappropriate” for his wife to throw used pads down his brother’s bathroom.
Image source: Sora Shimazaki (not actual photo)
When this situation caused tension in his family, he turned to the internet for advice.
Image source: 99.films (not actual photos)
Image source: Jason_Barret1029
It’s no surprise that the majority of Redditors viewed both the husband and his brother as very wrong in this situation. Believing it reeked of public humiliation, he immediately condemned the behavior of the offended man.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. There is a long history of menstruation taboos in many cultures, and education about menstruation is still sorely lacking around the world. Since childhood, we have been taught that we must manage it carefully.
Of course, attitudes towards menstruation are changing in a positive way, but many women still feel embarrassed. Through, because that’s what society makes us feel. But it’s time to condemn it.
according to According to Jane Asher, professor of women’s health psychology at Western Sydney University, periods have long been associated with “dirt, disgust, shame and, some might say, fear”. However, she argues that menstrual stigma is actually a form of misogyny.
“If I tell young women from different cultural groups about their main concern about menstruation, it is a cover-up. lead to menstrual embarrassment,” added Professor Usher.
Left unchecked, this embarrassment can affect how women feel about this perfectly normal bodily function. Therefore, a better understanding of menstruation is key to improving women’s health.
But when these situations do arise, it can be difficult to know how to react in a way that doesn’t cause tension between you and your loved one. to get bored panda reached out to Eileen Head, Transformation Coach We aim to help people change their mindset, release old beliefs, blocks and patterns to create the love they desire.
“The first question is, if this lady knew this was going to be a problem, would she have dealt with it differently?” asked the head.
The coach said there seemed to be friction already between his wife and brother-in-law, and that problems could arise. is not what you are fighting for!”
“These situations always morph into something else,” Head added. “Her wife thinks her husband should agree with her and she is angry with him now. I feel like I’m being treated badly.”
Unfortunately, women can be embarrassed. Head argues that when it happens, many of us tend to justify it. Then everyone will stick to right and wrong, and each person will be caught up in bad feelings. ”
A key element of this controversy, however, is rudeness. “Brothers-in-law feel neglected in their own homes, wives feel slighted because their husbands are not on their side, and husbands feel slighted for not acknowledging the feelings of others. “It may not make sense to us, so we may not be aware that other people feel differently.”
The head relationship coach said she should consider taking the high road to get out of this situation in a way that makes her wife feel better. She said, “Being accountable and handling the situation this way is always a stronger position. I’ll admit. I know it may have made you uncomfortable. apology: sorry. Keep it simple, without justification. ”
The coach then offered to come up with future solutions and discuss further steps needed to resolve the situation.I apologize and now I realize, do you need anything else from me?‘ Finally, ‘Solution: Can we move on from this and let this go?“
“Even if you believe you have done nothing wrong, taking responsibility in any situation with others earns you respect…and a more evolved person, if not from others.” Being able to do this and using this as a skill has benefits in all relationships,” concluded Head.
If someone has a disagreement, Head coaching programeven as free calling on her websitefor those who want to build the meaningful relationships they want.
We would love to hear your thoughts on this incident. What are your thoughts on the behavior of her husband and brother? How would you have handled this situation? Feel free to share your thoughts and personal experiences in the comments section below.