A manager paid an employee $0.50 to $1 to print a page at work and found himself printing a 100-color page.
All bosses have their own take on how to run their workplace, but the boss who deals with Reddit users ShinshinMs.’s office had certain rules that really bothered her employees.
She made everyone pay a ridiculously high fee for printing when people wanted to get a page or two for their personal needs. However, women also retained the right to decide what was considered work-related and what was not, and her judgment was not always fair.
This was made even more apparent when BigHairD0ntCare approached her with a bunch of invitations to her daughter’s birthday party. told the platform’s ‘petty revenge’ community The way it all went down.
Image credit: Mikhail Nilov (not actual photo)
Image credit: Towfiqu barbhuiya (not actual photo)
Image credit: Shinshin