18 YO A man asks[Am I The Jerk] For trashing a girl’s gift for me and calling her ‘creepy’ [Witch]? “
Stalking is rarely taken seriously. But the worst part is that by the time the stalker does something, it may already be too late.
Authorities react even less to stalking when it comes to men who complain about unwanted attention from women. When he dumped, he was called cruel.
More information: reddit
A stalker isn’t necessarily a creepy middle-aged man.They can also be fellow students who are 18 year old girls
Image credit: daniellehelm (not actual photo)
This high school student has no honor that his school students continue to follow him, take pictures and message him with her fantasies
He’s actually frustrated that none of the adults seem to care about how uncomfortable he feels
Image credit: Star Athena (not actual photo)
Image credit: Lee Haywood (not actual photo)
So when a girl skips class and presents him with a box of cupcakes, he relents and throws it away, but not before calling the girl a “creepy b***h.”
Image credit: disposable gift trash
It worked because the girl ran away crying, but one of my teenage friends called him cruel for reacting like this
The original poster (OP) for this story is in his final year of high school and just short of his adult life. But his last memories at school are that he kept following him, photographing him, editing his photos to make him look like her boyfriend, and texting him about her fantasies about him. is defiled by a girl who sends
That sounds inappropriate, but the dean’s and parents’ reactions were even more inappropriate. When the OP showed the dean the message, he took no action. I didn’t even understand how such behavior would make my son sneak up on me.
However, there was a slight change in the situation a few weeks ago. A creepy girl came to the OP and she brought a box of cupcakes.It was during lunch break but one of his friends went with her so at that time the girl had a physics class. should have received it.
The OP tried not to accept the cupcakes, but found it pointless to resist, so he took the box and when she retreated to walk away, he taunted her and cursed her. He called the cupcakes bad.
Stoker cried at his reaction, but she did nothing more. OP’s friends didn’t take him too seriously, except for one who later texted him that his actions were cruel and unprovoking.
People in the comments didn’t think so because the girl was stalking the OP and sexually harassing her for a long time, so if they don’t want the school involved they should go to the police. At least there is a record of the girl’s behavior, which helps show future patterns.
Image credit: Holosho Gromko. (not actual photo)
People also believed that everyone would react completely differently if the roles were reversed. This shows how male sexual harassment is neglected. It doesn’t mean that.
according to National Sexual Violence Center, 43% of men report having experienced some form of sexual harassment in their lives. As with the high school students in this story, 34% occur verbally and 22% occur online. Schools are also the second most common place for sexual harassment to occur.
Chatham House The reasons behind it, it says, are “under-reporting, prioritization of women and girls, and international policy frameworks stemming from the United Nations that structurally discriminate against male survivors of sexual violence.”
African Justice Center “This issue is often ignored in our society today. They don’t believe it and they forget that sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of age, sexual orientation or gender identity.”
This is important because the effects and emotions men feel are the same as those experienced by other victims of sexual harassment. They may withdraw from relationships and friendships, turn victims into perpetrators, or become violent toward others.
The OP’s lack of action from schools and parents is really frustrating as the impact on young people can be even more detrimental. Now that he knows that he hasn’t done it, he may be trying to report the girl again.