129 hilarious memes summarizing the struggles of the 30s, shared on this IG account
Many people in their 20s are afraid to end 30 years of their life, but is it really that bad to be in your 30s? maybe. Plus, your body is still in great shape. No back pain yet! …right?
Unfortunately, our problems don’t magically go away when we turn 30, and can actually get worse. Thirty Something Probs On Instagram, he talks about unique experiences between his 20s and 40s. If you’re a millennial sick of growing up, upvote the photos you can’t help but agree with. Remember, you are not alone with these issues!
Many people consider being in their 20s romantic. Finally, you’re old enough to make your own decisions, and you’re probably living on your own, but you’re still young enough. that too a lot of responsibility. Many of us who plan to get married and have children have not reached that stage yet. So we take her ten years to explore ourselves and do all the things we can’t do in ten years. But we in our thirties are often vilified. Many people dramatize their age as if they had a crisis around their 30th birthday and suddenly had nothing fun to do when they were 29.
Of course being in your thirties is great and age is just a number. But if you’re a millennial and suddenly find yourself unable to stay up after 11 p.m. Thirty Something Probs The right place for you. You’re definitely not old yet, but you’re not as young as you used to be…
Millennials certainly haven’t had it easy when it comes to economic conditions and pressure from older generations who don’t understand the changing times. They have been accused of buying brunch and judged many times for not being able to afford a house. Washington Post Some even consider them “the unluckiest generation in U.S. history” because they failed to bounce back from the Great Recession before the pandemic hit the world more than anyone could have imagined. If you’re part of this generation that’s been beaten down too many times, please understand that it’s not your fault. please!
“When people enter the labor market during a recession and get low-paying jobs, they can take over many of their lifetime work careers,” said Anna Kent, a policy analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. rice field. Washington Post. “It will affect not only their income, but also their wealth, their ability to save for a down payment, and their ability to achieve other lifetime goals.” later married Having children later than previous generations due to the fact that they did not have the opportunity to save financially. And contrary to what baby boomers believe, millennials tend to spend within their means (often criticized for not contributing enough to the economy).
You can joke about the hardships of your 30s, but it’s important to note that your 30s can actually be the best time of your life. flash pack Analyze the best 40 years of your life and point out that this is the time when most people finally “get their feet started” financially. Yes, you probably still have student loans and don’t own a home yet. But you probably have a steady, steady income that allows you to pay your rent each month without worrying about how you buy your groceries. there is.
Brech goes on to say that most of us care less when we hit our 30s. “Aren’t you invited to your friend’s wedding? Shrug your shoulders and move on. Can’t you remember the details of your raucous night out? Hey, we’ve all been there,” she wrote. Anyway, life is too short for beer phobia. All the doubts and worries about what people think, who said what when, lose their edge in your thirties. You will come to understand that people’s reactions and reactions rarely concern you, but mostly to what is happening in their own lives.
By the time we reach our 30s, many of us have developed a new sense of resilience, says Brech. His 20s in ours are often filled with challenges he has to face for the first time, but when he gets through those 10 years, he becomes a pro at becoming an adult. We know how to handle the next breakup, the next friendship when it ends, the next move, the next job change. I know deep down that I can handle it,” Brech writes. Accept what happens and move on.”
“Perhaps the best thing about hitting your thirties is the ability to fully know yourself,” continues Brech. “Thirty years of life brings a degree of self-awareness and understanding that has been difficult to grasp in previous years. Armed with a deeper knowledge of who you are and what you love, this You start questioning options you never even considered questioning until now.”
We should all enjoy our 30s to the fullest, but there may be a few things you want to focus on during this decade to prepare for the rest of your life.According to Nicole thirties, your 30s is a great time to start saving for retirement. Likewise, it would be wise to pay off debts in her 20s in her 30s. Then in 10 years you may have a child that you will have to pay back, or you may have a costly investment. You’d rather direct your money to
Your body changes a lot in your 20s and 30s, so if you haven’t started exercising or eating a healthy diet, now is the time to start taking care of yourself. Of course, not all health problems can be prevented, but by feeding your body plenty of fruits and vegetables and staying active at least a few times a week, you can help fight infections and illnesses that may manifest later. body ready. this line.Staying in shape is much easier than staying in shape get in shape later!
Millennials, do you regret spending all your savings on avocado toast and an iced oat milk latte? Just kidding, I’m Gen Z and I’ve done exactly the same thing. We hope that you will enjoy these photos that make you feel close to people of the same generation. Remember to keep upvoting things that you can painfully relate to.Then if you want to check out another installment from Bored Panda featuring memes recounting the experience of being in your thirties, look no further Here!