The company tries to gaslight this person for a 50% pay cut, but they waste not a second and quit
Most of you probably agree that finding a decent job seems literally impossible these days. , the list is endless.
But my favorite scenario is when your employer tries to make a fool of you. How the stars align because the author of today’s article recently ran into exactly this problem!
More information: reddit
Former workplace brings this person back on board after ‘ghosting’ during pandemic
Image credit: Sonia Belviso (not actual image)
I accept, but the front desk is staffed by interns, so I can’t give you a clear answer about salary.
Image credit: Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine (not actual image)
Image source: u/kind-designer-5763
“The company was shocked that I wouldn’t get a 50% wage cut.– This internet user joined one of Reddit’s communities dedicated to work-related struggles, telling its members to leave the jobs they had pre-pandemic before they even had the chance to start working. We talked about what we had to do. The post managed to garner over 2,000 upvotes and 150 comments discussing the situation.
Well, what a wonderful invention the Internet is. There are a huge number of resources and they are all right in front of you.
Want to stalk your ex? no problem. Want to know how your favorite elementary school teacher is doing? Easy task. Scrolling through TikTok too much to find out if the Mandela Effect actually supports the existence of parallel universes? Whatever it is, the point is you find it all.
But sometimes you just want to get things off your chest instead of looking for answers, is there a better platform to go to than Reddit?
r/antiwork It remains one of the most popular communities on the site. The subreddit’s focus is on subjects that everyone 14+ hates, so news like that isn’t really surprising (they exist).
They later learn that wages are now 50% lower.When confronted, the company quietly sidesteps it, so they quit.
Image credit: Roland Tanglao (not actual image)
u/kind-designer-5763But his story is not about good employers. In a nutshell, netizens did a side job with a well-known home care company, but they ended up being laid off when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. But to my surprise, two weeks ago I got a call from a company recruiter who wanted to know if I wanted to come back after 40 hours of work and even get a bonus.
Long story short, the author eventually found that the wage rate in this office was 50% lower than what they were paid for the work they did in 2019, so they raised the issue, but the representative You’ve denied the contradiction, urging the OP to finish before resuming.
Without a doubt, the Redditor handled things the best they could. They found a problem and tried to fix it.
But not everyone quits on the spot. But fear no more. negotiate thisdedicated blog Giving everyone the tools they need to negotiate a better future and take action in their careershas released a helpful step-by-step guide to help those affected take on these dastardly companies.
Molly, the creator, broke the process down into 7 easy steps. First of all, experts advise people to feel their emotions. To some it may seem self-evident and perhaps useless, but acting out of anger will never produce the desired results.
Now is the time to sort out your feelings and start collecting evidence. The Reddit poster had personally experienced a pay cut, so all he had to do was present it to stakeholders. information.
The next step is deciding what you want. Netizens wanted to return the previous salary, but negotiate this The author also suggests that employees have three numbers.
ii) Walkaway Pricing.
Then identify the reasons and act on them. It’s a good idea to be prepared for a conversation with your boss, especially if it’s a very important conversation. If you write down all the causes, motives, and rationales, you are more likely to prove your point.
Last but not least, please ask. Many of you will probably agree with me how nerve-wracking it is to take the issue to your boss. Maybe it’s the power that terrifies you. Or maybe you just don’t like confrontation. The point is that many of us have been procrastinating on voicing our concerns.
Remember that your personal well-being is your number one priority. If you believe you are being treated unfairly at work, speak up. If that doesn’t work, start looking for places that really appreciate your effort.
Fellow online community members shared their thoughts and opinions
Image credit: 401(K) 2012 (not actual image)