‘Photoshop Fails’ Online Group Shares 62 of Your Worst and Funniest Attempts at Photoshop (New Pics)
Photoshop is a magical tool when used correctly. With it, you can edit major flaws and annoyances in your images. (We’ve all seen pictures of tree branches sticking out of our heads like antennae.) You can even add your cousin George who couldn’t attend the family reunion.
However, there is another side to this coin. When used incorrectly, Photoshop can help create weird photos. For example, my same cousin George “grows” a third arm after a copy-paste gone awry. Similar examples of disfigurement damage and other discrepancies with reality can be found at: r/PhotoshopFails impressive subreddit A collection of modified images.
Check it out if you like such masterpieces bored panda old version of Worst and funniest attempt at photoshopThey show that everything is possible if you know (even if you don’t) how to use Photoshop correctly.